Saturday, June 7, 2008

Guest Post 1: Soulful Jen

So as the title reads, this is the first of our Guest blog series. In our time online we've made a few new friends. They either have their own blog, or are just so cool that they get prime time. We'd like to introduce you to Soulful Jen, and her thoughtful perspective on reality. Peep her blog here, and see how real she keeps it!

Knowledge of Self: everLAsting.
Born in Los Angeles. Beautiful weather on a constant basis. The scenery, peaceful, those tall trees aka palm trees; instant connection with the beach, or Crenshaw, lol.
Unconditional love. From the west to the east.
Amazing how a place so dark can make you shine brighter than ever.

Make you feel so free, ready, and willing. A place so dark, gloomy, negative, full of struggle..
YET! FILLED with MOTIVATION and DETERMINATION. Not to mention the ORIGINALITY, gives one a sense to reach within for that CREATIVITY and INDEPENDENT THINKING. It's INDESCRIBABLE how I'm INSPIRED when lookin at the state of misery, state of sadness, state of missunderstanding, state of being lost, desperately wanting to be found, state of complexity.

Maybe it could be the fact that you look, live, breathe this obscurity and you're born with the type of strength that has no limit.

So as you get older you learn YOUR WAY OF LIFE. And flip what you see. Flip what you become. Getting stronger. Flip the experiences and lessons you've been taught. Getting stronger. You become self motivated, you provide your own batteries, you charge yourself, and when your battery dies and there isn't a charger to be found, it ain't over cuz u got that SUN, son!
Man! So keep your head up and know that you're getting out of the BEAUTIFUL struggle.

As often as you miss the beauty when you let the distractions grab ahold of you, or you're "looking down" paying no one any mind, the things you ACCOMPLISH help your city survive. And in itself, continue to live. Therefore, able to GIVE BACK, not just take in. 'Cause it gave me more than I could ask for, in a sense that state gave me THE WORLD. I'm inspired. I'm unstoppable! I can do aNYthing.

*DISCLAIMER: I'm not dumbing it down like Lupe Fiasco, just my words. So what did they do for you?

Were you inspired?? Or did you become the inspiration? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. *ahem, ahem*

    Check my blog HERE:

    [that link ("here") is an error!]
