Thoughts from a Movie Enthusiast

Everyday while watching TV I see movie trailers during commercials, sometimes the movie trailers are part of a commercial like Best Buy’s commercial with the upcoming Will Smith movie Hancock (sidenote: this movie will be crack). The average movie fan may be able to watch these glimpses and not have their movie experience tarnished…this is not the case for me. After watching initial teasers and the first movie trailer of a movie, I refuse to watch anymore. There have been countless times where I have seen trailers and been able to piece together the movie easily while watching, or seen some of the best scenes (Iron Man) before I had even made it to the theater. Can you think back to last summer when you saw Transformers for the first time?
Part of its greatness was the wow factor you felt when you saw all of the transformers brought to life for the first time. Unfortunately I have nothing to blame but my own field of business…MARKETING. It seems like these movie marketers just want to show you the best of the movie so that you will go see the movie. This can leave you somewhat unfulfilled as the movie experience is one of my favorite things in life. Honestly I say its time to start thinking outside the box. I’m not saying that movie trailers should be banned, but the combination of trailer over saturation & showing the best scenes from movies is uncreative and disrespectful. Step your game up movie marketers…I’m coming for your job.
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