Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Best Friends Got Wifed Up

A few of my boys recently got wifed up. Let me clarify the term "wifey" before I go any further. When you wife a girl up, you and shorty are officially dating...she is shorty no longer and becomes wifey. Wifey is almost like a prized possession, the one girl that you give your all to. All your time, all your energy, not all your money cuz that would be marriage but you catch my drift. Only drawback is wifey wants to be your number one priority...above friends, above business and definately above partying...usually most guys fall into this trap and put wifey on that pedestal so be careful! A thorough wifey will understand your goals and help you to achieve them, thus not holding you back from anything.

Anyway I'm letting all you dudes out there know that there will come a time in your life when the majority of your boys get wifed up and you may not see them around as much. So far by boys Farrow, Meyers, Dacci, and Russell are seriously wifed up, which sucks because I never really get to chill with them without being on some time schedule for when they have to go be with or talk to wifey. I'm not hating, in fact I'm happy you've found someone you think deserves 80% of your time, love is a beautiful thing. Just don't be blinded by "love" to the point that you're not focused on making other moves in life. Believe me, if you are whipped and wifey is controlling the stix I will only let you know how I feel once...after that it's your call. This is a crucial juncture in our lives...just make sure balance is achieved so we can all be chillin on a Yacht in Brazil soon!
Congrats guys, I've been there with the whole wifey thing, 4 years...rasclot what a lot of time and money that was, but def no regrets wifey was thorough. So to all the Stedmans out there LOL...don't forget or neglect your homies. We're getting older (20-22) so I can understand that settling down may be the move. For you young cats out there just be prepared for the day when your crew may now be joined by multiple wifeys when you hang out!

I hope none of the wifeys get offended by this, I'm just keepin it real... but just in case I've dedicated a song to you fine ladies:

To give another perspective one of our PR directors Pepper Pots had a few words for me:

Wifey should be #1 priority, otherwise what's the point of committing.. a good girlfriend doesn't keep you from making money, that's a little foolish on both of your parts..80% friends, 20% girlfriends is a high school relationship, as you get older things should be more serious or you're immature. A man who always says yes is not all that great either, gets boring quick. And no BG I didn't Huff you! But in conclusion yes...people get caught up though, thats life, life is about relationships its not always about money."

you've cut into a half hour of my naptime

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