Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Major Music: Coldplay - Viva La Vida

Viva la Vida is the name of Coldplays 4th album. The band is known for their chill music that have deep messages woven into their lyrics. The title Viva la Vida (Spanish for Long Live the Life), which is somewhat rebellious because a lot of their songs have a melancholic vibe, with up-tempo songs to follow. The 10 track album begins with an instrumental track titled “Life in Technicolor”, here the band is just basically showcasing musical ability without any vocals from there lead man Chris Martin.

Chris Martin has been on songs with Jay-z and Kanye West but sad to say there aren't any features from them on the album, I guess they didn’t fit in with Coldplays sound??? Either way this album has songs that are crack like the album title song “Viva la Vida” (a classic) and “Lost!”, and a few songs like “Cemeteries in London” that are kinda huff. This album will definitely do big numbers because Coldplay has die hard fans and with this new album they may get a few more.

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