Monday, June 30, 2008

DC Cops, Pretty Damn Chill

One way I always judge a city is by their police officers. If your city has jerks for cops then I'm steering clear. I was meeting my pops for dinner today, driving to his office downtown. I pull in front of the office building and a copper drives by and makes some weird signal with his hands. Because of DC's OD cell phone laws I thought he was motioning for me to get off the phone. I turned the car off, and took the key out the ignition. I noticed he drove down the block, parked behind another car and got out to write them ticket. At this point I'm still waiting for Pops to come down, and I notice the fed looking in my direction. Next thing you know, he's reversing towards my direction. He hops out the car and I throw out an interception question to stall for time and observe his motives:"officer, is it alright if I park here waiting for someone to come down from this office building?"

He really didn't even respond, just started checking my tags and writing in his ticket book. I already knew how this was gonna go, he's a jerk, but I'm a talker so I thought I'd try my luck. After a few words the officer tells me he's writing a $100.00 ticket. I knew it was time to "G" it. For those that may not know, that means using serious gift of gab tactics to maneuver through sticky situations. Anyway I pretty much had to lay it out for him...I said "officer how will you giving me this ticket benefit your salary? How will giving a nice guy like me a $100 fine benefit your cause as an officer of the law? This is clearly a mistake, you don't want to do this it just doesn't make sense"...and he replied: "look, buddy, I get that from everyone" and I go "but I'm not everyone, you're officer F. and I'm myself(careful not to give my name), others don't apply to our situation" and he goes "alright well it's been five minutes, where's your dad?" I said "look, he must have gotten tied up with something I'll circle the block and come back, but like I said this $100.00 is a bit absurd do you really need to do this?" and the officer replied: "If I do this for you I gotta do it for everyone else" I noticed a slight smirk on his face, I knew he was thinking damn this kid has balls challenging me like this, so I gave it the final push: "Officer I'm not everyone else, will ya c'mon" and finally he goes: "alright fine get out of here, if I see you stopped here again during rush hour its a ticket!"

I shook his hand and banged out...I love DC...all of the cops I've directly encountered have been mad chill... I had to G that conversation, but at least I got out the $100.00 ticket! Sometimes cunning, guile, and charisma can carry you a long way.

So to officer F. good looking out today, I appreciate it...but gotcha charlz!

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