Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2 tin a sardine!

So, it's burn down city in Rastio's room, I check the fridge for a beer and find two tins of sardine front and center. Now what can you do with sardine, eat them straight up? Yes, "yes you can" he told me, it's common in his country as a delicious snack. One can looked kinda weird and now I know why. Did a little research, it appears Rastio is an under cover agent! That tin of sardine was a bloodclot survival kit! SURVIVAL!
On some real though this joint is mean. It's a complete survival kit I assume. The contents varies, and as you can see there is everything from sugar to fish hooks and line. Priced at $12.00 you wonder what your paying for...well mostly condiments and band-aids. Oh and there's a stick of gum too. I'd probably still cop one just to have in the crib or in the whip. Road trips can be crazy. cop one here

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