Monday, May 19, 2008

Sync Super Desk

The Sync makes your home office stylish, yet practical with its computer-integrated office desk. All the PC components are functionally built into the design to offer maximum performance and convenience. If you ever want to take a break from computing and go back to traditional ways of reading and writing, the fold-away screen conveniently goes down, giving you ample surface space to do whatever you want. This is a great way to make that home office feel a bit less like home and more like your command center, definitely need this!‘The tower’ storage unit for example supports all motherboard sizes, allows adequate cooling and is easily accessible for maintenance,” explains designer Gareth Battensby. The desk includes a built in USB hub for peripherals, scanner, widescreen monitor, webcam, wireless keyboard and mouse, and storage space for CDs and stationary. The easy to access power and DVD unit means you don’t have to lean over your chair to get to them. The fold away screen and keyboard gives you the space for other work when you need it.”

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