Wednesday, May 28, 2008

China Earthquakes: Esoteric Agenda?

So I'm not sure how many of you were able to check out The Esoteric Agenda video on Google...If you haven't you should!!! It is a very insightful piece that touches on population control, and how various countries are implementing malicious tactics to control population. After seeing this video, I was not surprised by this article on the recent quakes in China. But as always, only trust your own research:"There has been a heated debate over whether the recent devastating earthquake in China was predicted before it took place. Critics are accusing the political regime of being very irresponsible in ignoring earthquake warnings and thereby causing the loss of tens of thousands of lives."

"According to Chen, China has been predicting earthquakes since the Xingtai earthquake back in 1966, which killed 8,064 people. "Through continuous scientific research and information gained from many actual cases, we can make a prediction on a certain type of earthquake." However, after the earthquake in Sichuan took place, Zhang Ziaodong from the China Earthquake Networks Center held a press conference at China's State Department on May 13. At the conference Zhang denied the quake in Sichuan was predictable and said that predicting earthquakes was a "difficult task worldwide."

full story here

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