Monday, May 12, 2008

Movie Monday

Surfwise: A Truly Compelling Film
Abandoning a successful medical practice, he sought self-fulfillment by taking up the nomadic life of a surfer. But unlike other American searchers like Thoreau or Kerouac, Paskowitz took his wife and nine children along for the ride, all eleven of them living in a 24 foot camper. Together, they lived a life that would be unfathomable to most, but enviable to anyone who ever relinquished their dreams to a straight job. The Paskowitz Family has seen the frontiers.

Dragonball, Can This Be Pulled Off?

Here is the first image of Justin Chatwin as Goku of the upcoming Dragonball movie. You can see the other characters like Master Roshi in the bottom left. I'm not so sure this is what I had in mind, when I pictured it. What do you think?
Captain America Update:
Marvel is doing some clever cross promotion in their films. Not only can you spot Captain America's shield in the Iron Man movie, but it turns out that the Incredible Hulk movie will set up the super soldier storyline, thus prepping the origin story for the Captain America movie! See a pic of the super soldier serum here:

Universal pictures has given the world a new batch of photos to examine from the upcoming Hulk movie. The pic below is the first look at the "super soldier serum" that is used to create Captain America. Our robotics spies tell us that in the Hulk movie, General Ross's dialogue will include a bit about a super soldier project started during World War II--the origin story of ole' shield arm himself!

The X-Files Movie:
The X-Files was definitely one of the weirdo shows of the ’90s. The tagteam Fox Mulder and Scully are getting back together this summer for the long-awaited big screen sequel, The X-Files: I Want To Believe, which will be out July 25th. The plot details have been kept under wraps, and the intense trailer, which debuted today, reveals only some minor concrete details. via complex

Iron Man Passes Mach 5
Over the weekend Iron Man kept its hold on the number 1 spot over the just released Speed Racer. The movies grossed 50 and 20 million dollars respectively. Iron Man got more money from the eF team as we had to see it in IMAX the second time around. Fearless LeaDor comes through in the clutch once again. If you haven’t seen Iron Man…you don’t know how to fly!

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