Wednesday, May 21, 2008

God Went Surfing With The Devil:

The world of documentary film is about to be blessed by a project called God Went Surfing With the Devil: A Documentary Film About Life in Israel and Gaza.
Alex Klein (writer for Juxtapoz), has been working on this interesting yet dangerous film project for over a month. He's been traveling around Israel and Gaza with a crew, determined to document a side of the Middle East different from the often biased view controlled media shows us. Israel and Gaza are vibrant and rich communities that Klein has been able to beautifully capture on film, which he updates in a daily blog.
Take a look at and travel through some stunning photos of what literally looks like another world. The pictures definitely hype the film. You can thank Juxtapoz in a year or so when everyone is talking about this ‘cool surfer film’ they just heard about.

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