Sunday, May 18, 2008

Entrepreneur Spotlight: Terracycle

So I was in the crib chillen, wondering when the rain was gonna end. Flipped to the weather channel and to my surprise there was a special on Eco-friendly companies. The company that caught my attention was Terracycle. It's a company who's whole platform is built around trash, and not trash in the sense of those "Got Junk" guys. Terracycle uses recycled bottles and containers to package their "worm poop" fertilizer compost. Now you may ask yourself why were these dudes messing with worm poop as fertilizer anyway...Well originally the two founders tested their compost on some plants they had growing in their basement, yea I think you get the picture.

Co-founders Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer realized their compost helped their plants grow, and there was money to be made! They developed prototype equipment and proved their concept was feasible by reprocessing solid waste from dining halls at Princeton University. The rest is history. Towards the end of the interview Tom Szaky put a few things in perspective...for all you suits out their:

"I'm smart, young, and I have no responsibility, why not start my own business? What's the worst that can happen? You may go broke but the experiences you gain are priceless, it's not like you're gonna die from starting your own business"

Thanks Tom, our sentiments exactly...those guys are both 25 year old multi-millionaires by the way.

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