Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's The Final Countdown!

So today is my last final exam...Stat 202. After this I'm done people, it's a wrap for that college game. And let me tell you, it definitely is a game. One thing I learned about college is that you have to be willing to take risks, and go out on a limb to get the apple. Making connections with teachers pays off in the long-run, and if you don't like your school within the first few months to a year TRANSFER!!! College these days is more of a business than anything else, there are a few select professors who truly care about you and your future, so build friendships with them. On the other hand there are professors who merely lecture to receive their check sir. Here is something for you to put in perspective...who really NEEDS college? No one. College is pointless I believe unless you are training to become a lawyer, doctor, or engineer. I've learned more from my experiences in college than from my textbooks and classes. Just a few thoughts...

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