Friday, May 2, 2008

Damn, You Fell Into The Trap HOV

You see how a good woman can bring you happiness, and at the same time have you all f*cked up in the game! After all that talk Old Hov did about "big pimpin" and no "divorce and split the bucks" well...let's just say that Beyonce put and end to that lifestyle. We are constantly see Old Hov become some boring old man who's fallen into the trap, the trap of marriage! Check it, Beyonce’s got an OD prenup with Jay-Z. It's a wrap for him and some of his bread, shoulda just kept it light Hov, you wild out:

“The R&B/pop diva, who is worth a reported $100 million, inked a prenuptial agreement with new hubby Hov that could result in a $25 million payday for Bey. The longer Beyonce stays married to S. Carter, the more money he pays. The thirty-eight year old Carter’s net worth is estimated at $300 million.

Jay-Z adores Beyonce, and was pretty much willing to give her almost anything she wanted. The prenup calls for Jay-Z to pay Beyonce $10 million if the marriage ends after two years, and $1 million a year for each further year she remains in the marriage, up to fifteen years.

‘Beyonce would be granted access to their private jet and a fleet of cars, which includes a $1 million 1959 Rolls Royce convertible,’ a tabloid snitch claims.

Jay’s thrown in a few incentives for having children: He’s promised to pay her an additional $5 million for each child she bears for him-for her loss of income during pregnancy and child-rearing years.”

How the hell did she convince him to sign this sh*t!?!? I know it can't be that good? Sorry but I'd have to be given special powers to sign a legal binding document like that where my bread is continuously diminishing just for being with the chick! Well guys, this is why they say women are smarter than men. Hov got mad bread to burn but c'mon...

Oh and by the way: Beyonce got KNOCKED UP! Young Hov on the way?
“A source close to the couple revealed, “Beyonce is 100% pregnant"

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