Monday, December 1, 2008

Wolverine: Gambit Revealed!

Here's another Movie Monday exclusive for you humans out there...Straight from the Marvel volt we got a shot of Gambit from the upcoming Wolverine movie starring Hugh Jackman. The movie will be completely about Wolverine and how he came to be the admantium clawed animal we all know and love. In the picture after the teleport you see actor Taylor Kitsch playing card throwing gambit...this movie is gonna be OD. Hoped they would have opted for an R rating so we can really see Wolverine go berserker barrage on someone. teleport for the Gambit exclusive!


  1. wow this looks ill, any idea when it comes out? any other origin movies in the works?

  2. Cant wait for this one too drop, DCBG seent you on TV at the Redskins game on sunday...good looks on the towel!

  3. Thats what it is. Fuck around and take my nephews to see this shit.

  4. i know!! I can't wait to see this!!!!

  5. thats a good gambit pick

  6. 1 <3 gambit, he's sexy.
