Friday, December 19, 2008

Random Walk Trailer

Just seen this joint. Immediately I hit up the writer/actor Alfonso Quijada on the phone and asked when this joint is coming out. Sometimes, indie films are the best kept secret. The storyline is interesting, one of those "it can happen to anyone" type of feels. Additionally you'll find lots of snow bunnies, herbs, and gangsters, the essential ingredients for a dope flick. Expect a Summer 2009 release. Peep the trailer below and leave your thoughts.


  1. flip looks like DJ drama!

  2. this looks intense, you know the director?

  3. yea this does look good, it's realistic as shit.

  4. This do look like somethin I could watch

  5. I heard eF lookin to have a spot for exclusive movie screenings possibly near heaven...this one should be on the top of the list!
