Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Punisher War Zone Movie Madness Review

My boy Bonidacci is a movie fanatic, so when I told him we should check out that new Punisher War Zone movie he kinda looked at me like I was joking. Then I had him peep the trailer and he was sold. That's probably the hurdle most people will have to jump when determining weather or not to see it. My advice? Just go see it. The movie is OD, its like a 2008 extreme version of Charles Bronsons Death Wish series. They did this Punisher movie the right way. Ray Stevenson plays Frank Castle, the Punisher, and he looked similar to how he apppears in the comics. The costume department did well, because his Punisher bulletproof outfit was killer! The actor really captured the badass, I don't give a f*ck attitude.

"I shoot ya, arm, leg leg, arm, head" to quote Weezy from the carter files this is what the movie is all about.Punisher: War Zone is a great action film, better action than the first. But that's where it ends. It lacks any sort of in depth of storyline or back story. It also lacks any sort of continuity with The Punisherwhich released in 2004. Connecting the two movies would have made up for the lack of story and background and instantly made this movie better. Still, props go to Lexi Alexander for directing a good action movie in her first try. She is a former world karate and kickboxing champion so recognize! Check it out if you got spare time.

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