Monday, December 15, 2008

President Bush Gets Shoe Slapped

As many of you may have heard, ole man Bush got shoe slapped on live TV! This sh*t was COMEDY! Just so you know, getting slapped with a shoe is a traditional demonstration of anger and contempt in Middle Eastern countries. I've posted the video below...luckily it's in slow motion too. I think this whole bit was planned shenannigans by the Bush administration. Who do you know who gets a shoe thrown at them, and they smile!!! Peep how when he goes down to duck, he's smiling...then when he re-appears he's still smiling and gets another shoe launched at his face.


  1. ahahahhaha look how he ducks back up, in slow motion its so creepy, that did look planned

  2. The shit is hilarious because Bush reflexes are still in tact. He was so close to having his whole right cheek smacked with a shoe.

  3. bush has the crazy cat reflexes... i bet mccain couldn't have done that.

  4. Stiney gets apple slapped
