Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Powder Blue Trailer

I peeped this joint in passing, but once you press play, it's hard to look away. This is a well put together trailer. It's for the 2009 movie Powder Blue where four Los Angelenos -- a mortician, an ex-con, a suicidal ex-priest, and a stripper -- are brought together on Christmas Eve by a mixture of circumstances. The movie looks deep, Forrest Whitaker(suicidal ex-priest) and Jessica Biel(stripper) star in this film. Biel's performance as a stripper was quite the change from the more toned down characters she usually plays. Either way, she is goodmoney, especially in this flick...shorty is crazy toned, in a very agreeable way. Check it out for yourself, bet you don't look away!

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