Monday, December 8, 2008

Transformers ROTF: Megatron and Ravage Design Pics

Do you remember Soundwave? He was the huge blue decepticon that had two mini-bots eject from his chest like cassette tapes. Well one of those decpticons will surely be in the next Transformers movie. Above I threw up one of the classic cartoon pics of Ravage. He was the decipticon dog, and transformed into a cassette tape, check it out here:

Well now it appears that Ravage has been given an extreme makeover. The pic below is a scanned drawing of what Ravage will look like in the upcoming film. As you can clearly see, he doesn't look like a dog too much anymore. Instead Ravage appears to be some sort of alien life form my scientific research has not discovered quite yet. Anyway it is yet to be known if this version of Ravage will transform into a cassette tape like the classics...oh yea we got a scan of what the new Megatron will look like too. All you gotta do is teleport it appears Megatron is now a tank! This movie is gonna be OD...more to come as the hour glass dissolves...


  1. this looks tight, that wheel chair shit is hilarious!

  2. where did you find that Megatron pic? awesome, but are you sure he's a tank now?

  3. Yea this is a little more in tune with the original origins of transformers even though he was actually jurst a strong ass gun wielded esclusivly by starscream, he was later changed to a tank so i like this update.

  4. i like this update...megatron was a tank after he was originally a gun wielded exclusivly by starscream!
