Thursday, December 11, 2008

Expressive Frontier Business Update

So, some of you may be wondering what's going on with the decrease in posts. So first let me personally apologize for all that. We've been kinda slacking on the post but it's for a good reason! As some people may or may not know Expressive Frontier also operates as a marketing/management business. To make a long story short we just got a big new client, that is consuming quite a bit of our time. That's not a bad thing either, you already know work that clock to make that guap, it's just science.

Our new client is the Hip Hop Caucus...a non-profit organization based in Washington DC. We did some work for them back in October on the Respect My Vote Tour...clearly they just loved our swagger and work ethic and wanted to sign us on to handle their marketing. We just began working with them Monday, but already have made some moves on their behalf. It's dope having this type of client, I'm always on my chill. One of the best parts thus far has been client meetings in fresh kicks! We are helping them wrap up plans for the Inaugural weekend and I must say it's gonna be a great look. If any of you EFrs out there want in...JUST HOLLA AT US. There will be concerts, balls, dinners, and just plain out get f*cked up parties. DC will def be the place to be inauguration week, and EF will have the exclusives as always...

I now return you to our regularly scheduled program


  1. I would love to be a part but don't live in the d.c. area

  2. Congrats on the new client, big moves. I live in the DC area, so I would def love to help out any way I can.


  3. I SWORE I saw yall @ the 10DEEP party the other night...

    Oh well... Miss ya much!!! the bus... not as much :0)

    - Jessica
