Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mark Jenkins Polar Bear Calls for Bomb Squad?

Mark Jenkins (Juxtapoz #84) has fooled the world once again. Jenkins, an artist known for his inventive and witty installation work, was behind a stuffed animal “hobo polar bear” prank that shut down the Columbia Heights Metro station in Washington DC for almost two hours as a bomb squad investigated the shabbily dressed hobo bear standing near a trash can.
Turns out the bear was part of a collaboration with Greenpeace to raise awareness about global warming.

Jenkins wrote boing boing, “We made a series of human-like homeless polar bears and installed them around DC to get people to think about the issue (of melting arctic ice) with more empathy.
“It seemed people liked them a lot and took pictures of their kids in front of them, etc. but most were removed pretty quickly by the authorities. The last image is one that was met with ill-fate after being deemed a ‘suspicious package.’ So the whole thing ended up having a touch of irony to it when compared to the actual situation.”

Yeah, just found this right after that grenade scare...lightened the mood a bit. This too occurred right down the block from EF headquarters.

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