Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Iron Man 2 Update: Who is War-machine?

In a surprising move the producers of Iron Man did not hire Terrence Howard back for the sequel. He reportedly wanted more money for the bigger role he would be playing as War Machine. The absence of a deal with Howard allowed Marvel to "take the role in another direction" by approaching Don Cheadle, the Reporter says. I don't know what to think about this. I thought Howard played the role of Jim Rhodes well. But could Cheadle do better? Could this be a huge mistake? What do you think?


  1. Cheadle is a vet, he did his thing in Traitor and a variety of other movies. I got faith in Cheadle. He gon make you forget Howard was even in the original.

  2. I think Cheadle can play any role, he has tremendous range as an actor, but Howard did look like the perfect Rhodes so we'll see!
