Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Looney Tunes Splatter Exhibit

Do you remember watching the classic Looney Tune cartoons when you were younger? One thing that I loved about them is that no matter what happens to the character they would always be fine, they were invincible. Daffy Duck would get shot in the head by Bugs Bunny and he would never get hurt. jCauty&SON are currently holding an exhibit at The Aquarium in London that shows the reality of toon violence. Titled Splatter, the exhibit is crazy. I just wish I could see it in person. Teleport for more pics from the show.

1 comment:

  1. I fuck with the exhibit and the extra meaning of it. The media does complain a lot about other forms of art that have violence in its content (music *mainly hip hop*, movies, television) but I don't hear big deals being made of cartoons. These are some of the earliest forms of violence shown to children.

    Good pick up BG
