Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain Uses Dehumanizing Hate Speech

I'm glad we can count on celebs like Diddy to speak on the issues. It's the day after the second presidential debate and everyone is flipping out because last night McCain referred to Obama as “that one” when responding to a question. When McCain uses dehumanizing phrases like "that one" to refer to Barack Obama, he is implementing long-standing military techniques for dehumanizing one's opponent during wartime. But this is NOT a war, and McCain's behavior in this context is beyond irresponsible and amounts to hate speech. full article here

OH YEA...Let us not forgot how McCain didn't even have the balls to shake Obama's hand after he got annihilated in the debate. So pretty much...F*CK you McCain, you can't even raise your arms to shake your opponents hand.


  1. Yea McCain is a sleezbag, my parents are repubs...but that's where it ends. Our country is goin down the drain and we need someone like Obama to put us back on top...look at how he has brought our country together, just in this presidential race! just look at what he has accomplished thus far and he's not even in office yet!

  2. Yeah, McCain is a bird. And 99.9 percent of America should agree.

  3. Vote for "that one" November 4th!!...and then Vote for Pe$o!
