Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Grenade Found In Carter Barron DC!

So I wake up to go on my morning skate, and notice my normal skate path is blocked off by Police agents, bomb sniffing dogs, and FBI agents! I skate up to one of them and ask "what the hell is going on"? The Police agent replied "the park and roads are closed for now, there was a bomb scare". I was f*cking shocked...this is my neighborhood and there are bomb scares?!?! Quickly I skated back to the crib and checked the news. The cops were not bull-sh*tting me, check this out:

"A maintenance worker found a hand grenade near a sports field in Rock Creek Park this morning, prompting officials to close 16th St. and call the military for help disposing of the device.

It remained unclear if the grenade was live or posed a danger of exploding, but U.S. Park Police spokesman Robert Lachance said it was determined to be "legitimate" -- not a copy or toy.

Lachance said a park worker found the grenade around 7:55 a.m. near a fence on a field near the Carter Barron Amphitheater, just off 16th St. District police were notified, and set up a security perimeter after determining it was real.

They also closed 16th St. between Montague St. and Colorado Ave. and requested help from the military. The road will be closed until the device has been destroyed, Lachance said."

This is OD...mere blocks from the crib, not to mention there were tons of kids playing soccer there yesterday. I can't imagine the fear kids in warring countries feel, when they face this type of scare on an everyday basis. Something to consider...


  1. thats not cool, that close to my home as well.

  2. random knowledge...good for the Chi
