Friday, October 17, 2008

UD Homecoming 2008...I Think Not

So I guess it's been a lil time since I been outta college at WackD. A few people been hittin me up on some "come through bro, it's gonna be like old times". Um...right, I don't know if you remember correctly but the "old times" at University of Delaware were HUFF!

WOW speak of the devil, an old college associate of mine "Damo" just called me while I was writing this post, comedy. Anyway she's currently trying to convince me that UD Homecoming is gonna be poppin which I know it's not. I'm trying to convince her, that like McCain...more of the same is lame, hint hint. Sooo...back to the thoughts. Some of my boys from college still live in the Green Mansion...from their reports I gather that UD hasn't changed too much since graduation. So that means:

1) The girls will still mistake you for townies at night even if you know and are friends with them during non vampire hours

2) Some football dudes still haven't figured out how to get fly...You guys are still like a full year to year.5 behind, check the blog, it will cise your life.

3) This is a weekend for UD the groupies currently there will be wild'n out, and the groupies that graduated will be returning.

4) Something racist is bound to happen there this's just how that campus is.

Shout out to Benny though, dude still has the best sandwiches in existence...go cop several, ask for the Green Mansion Special with chilli. And to my homies at the Green Mansion and all those affiliated with GMB...hold it down this weekend. GMB was FLY before it was fashionable. Everyone knows we were the first on the block...and we had EVERYONE's joint come through to parlay with the Green Mansion Boys. So like Justo says...LIGHT UP...just make the best of it!

Oh yea peep this vid Rastio threw together. The footage is from last winter 2007, it's kind of like a MTV cribs with a comedic parody twist. Rastio did his thing with the footage, no wonder he's going to film school in Russia...enjoy:


  1. hahahaha...your a wild dude!

  2. Lol...trip down memory lane. Cant say its gonna be all that huff, u kno how we make the best of it!!!

  3. that this keeps it so real.. the good ole college days


  5. Comedy......had to give em a glimpse of went down in the Green Mansion...BG wilded out on the vid.....haha

  6. Haha, seriously did have everyjoint in there wholetime!

  7. haha hilarious, that is true non of the football team here at UD can dress. they all wear rocawear and sean john and walk arnd campus thinking they are the shit. wish the gmb was still here, u guys had dope parties

  8. I fucks with the vid

  9. hahaha, UD used to be huff
