Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tech Tuesday

Keg Transporter...Why Didn't I think of ThisSo in planning for this 4th of July BBQ EF is kind of having I ran across this brilliant invention. Remember all those times when you struggled to carry the keg from point A to point B? Problem solved, you know what you need: The Kegstand. Not the traditional keg-stand that OD fux people up, we're referring to the beautiful invention you see above. It allows you to easily wheel around a keg without throwing your back out. The idea is that when you buy a keg, it comes in one of these. You return it when empty for your deposit, where at the store they can swap it out for a fresh one for the next customer. Hopefully you are walking it, because it may be a hassle fitting this garbage can sized invention into any trunk. But hey, can't complain, this is a great invention.

via NotCot

H2O From Thin Air

There’s gallons of water hanging in the air, and the Klimatec Base 1 AirWater Machine extracts it to end parched throats everywhere. It’s not just a few drops here and there, either this joint can give you an serious five gallons of fresh H2O every 24 hours. It cleans the extracted water with an active carbon filter, runs it through an ultraviolet light chamber to kill bacteria, and then serves it up to you hot or chilled.

It doesn't even add to your electric bill, Klimatec offers a solar power option so the machine can keep on working even after 2012. You’ll need powerful solar cells, though it requires 480W to operate. It even goes beyond providing mere water, offering an optional refrigerator to keep food and beers cold. Toss a few of these in the desert and you're goodmoney on water deprivation.

via Red Ferret

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