Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cali Trip Day Two: Meet Uncle Adolf King of Soul Food

You know how every family has "that" uncle, the one who is in his 60's or older but still a f*ckin player. Well I'd like you to meet my Uncle Adolf. Out here in LA they call him the King of Soul Food, he's been in the restaurant business for 30 some years, and literally everyone knows him. Today he hit me and broham up for some breakfast...normal breakfast to him is like gourmet breakfast to us all. Peep how it went down:

See all this Cali living got broham thinkin he's a damn celebrity, had me waiting mad long to leave, then strolls down the steps like he's Diddy!Meet Uncle Adolf, the King of Soul's seriously always a party with him...soon as we got to his crib, he put us to work helping make breakfast.Whenever I come out here this is what we have for breakfast...everyday. Started out ballin, and we still ballin!Adolf putting the final touches on his famous pan seared Salmon.
Serious meal of Salmon, salad, fried potatos and buttermilk biscuits...of course the Itis was strong! back to business though...maybe after this last bottle!

1 comment:

  1. Rasclot Chang!!!!

    I WANT some FOOODDD!!!

    Feed me!!!!
