Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fatlace Friend Yoshi HATEhateHate List

Our friend and fellow blogger Yoshi over at Fatlace had an interesting post the other day. It's her "hate hate hate" list and the sh*t is comedy. Check it out, she definitely was right on with the toe bit. Ladies...if ya toe game isn't up to par...sry charlz twas nice knowing ya!

"sorry for the lack of posting, work has been driving me up the wall and with the heat finally dying down, i’m able to keep sane and un oily.

just to keep some of you coming back and visiting - i’ll provide you with my hate hate hate rant for the week -


- when girls decide to wear open toe shoes and don’t have their nails did - EW. SO unflattering

- PDA on the train. trust me NO ONE wants to see you smooching with your significant other as if there is no one else on the train. get a room, better yet, get a bathroom stall since you seem dirty enough.

- when i see people walking down the street staring at their own reflections as they pass buildings with huge tinted windows (as well as those who are talking with other ppl and zone out from the convo to look at themselves while cars’ windows pass by)

- the sweltering heat

- chewing with your mouth open - SHUT IT!

- guys that stare at you like a piece of meat (remedy, give them the crazy “WTF” look and make a scene if need be, they’ll stare straight up thereafter)

- people who think they’re cool because they know cool people who also think they’re cool

and i think i’ve run out of steam, that’s all! contemplate on these folks!

oh! and do everyone a favor and mad dog the shit out of that couple who’s girlfriend keeps looking at herself in the window, tossing her hair thinking, “i’m so cute,” but has unkept toes. gross


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