Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This Deck Of Cards Is Black Label

Growing up I learned that there are a couple of things that you should have in your house or apartment. One of these things was a deck of cards. Whether you're a card shark or not there are many uses for a deck of cards. The All Black Deck from Goody Grams is perfect for playing poker with your boys or strip poker with the girls that just moved into your building. Both the ink and the cards it is printed on are shades of black, its a nice change from the average red and white cards. The All Black Deck from Goody Grams is a nice accessory to have around the house. You can pick up your deck here.


  1. THESE are hot. those things you dubbed ingenious, however, are not. in my opinion. lol.

  2. are these the ones from the Dark Knight?
