Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hancock, The Review

A group of us saw Hancock the other night. was a solid film. I mean, I grew up on Marvel characters all my life, Iron Man and Hulk, dudes like that were childhood superheroes so it's hard accepting a completely new hero. It's hard just creating a hero from scratch when for years there has only been a select few. I will give props because Will Smith did a great job creating a complex and confused character. The collaboration between Will and Charlize was passionate all too realistic. You left the theater wondering what the two did off set. It was a chill movie, Will brought the same cinematic heat he does every July. If you got spare time see this movie.

MPO's Review:

Take off ya Blazer, loosen up your Tie, step inside the Jail, Hancock is alive?
So, you already know that I only watch crack movies…Hancock is no different, as BG said before Will Smith and Charlize Theron where dynamic and passionate in their roles, especially their interaction with each other. I have seen every Will Smith film and this role is truly unique to all of his previous films. You would think that him playing a hero would be nothing new, but there is defiantly a twist. I hope you haven’t watched too many previews because after accidentally seeing another trailer about a week ago I was able to piece too much together although the story line was very solid. Hancock is not a superhero movie. It is not Marvel, it is not DC Comics, and it defiantly doesn’t try to be. Those movies have lifetime backing that has been with us from our youth. Once you understand those facts and watch the movie un-biased you will be able to enjoy a great film. Strong storyline + great acting + top of the line special effects = Thorough Movie.

Marketing note: I would like to commend the producers of Hancock for getting money (i.e. Youtube product placement, Hancock rockin Nike’s) while not overkilling it. We all know that a Will Smith film is gonna make bread, I tip my hat to them for not being greedy.

Diddy's review below:


  1. Hancock looks like interesting spin on the latest superhero movie craze... if nothing else at least Will Smith tends to be pretty funny

  2. diddy crazy lol

    Nobody can top Will Smith on a 4th of July Weekend
