Friday, January 25, 2008

Obama Plays It Cool

Barack Obama said Thursday that black voters should not object to criticisms being aimed at him by presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, a sign of cooling campaign rhetoric before Saturday's primary in South Carolina.

"Black voters shouldn't blame Senator Clinton for running a vigorous campaign against me," the Illinois senator told reporters after a rally in this heavily black community. "That should be a source of pride. It means I might win this thing."

As for the campaign's overall tone, Mr. Obama said: "I don't feel like the candidates are getting bloodied up. This is good practice for me, so when I take on those Republicans, I'll be accustomed to it."

His comments followed a day of sometimes bitter remarks from the campaigns and former President Bill Clinton, who has stumped for his wife all week in South Carolina. The Clinton's were cool...keyword: were! It's time for change people, Obama 08.

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