Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Holly Street DC...Has A Little Competition

So over the weekend in Melbourne Australia a 16 yr. old kid Named Cory Worthington threw a huge party at his parents house. Sounds kind of familiar. It is now being refered to as “The Best Party Ever”. During the party some 500 party goers spilled into the streets and allegedly caused $20,000 in damages to police vehicles and neighboring homes. Thats kind of intense, but note sure if it compares to illegal strippers, and old women getting mugged. Anyhow police had bottles thrown at them and helicopters and dog squads had to be called in to break the the whole thing up. The 16 year old boy has somewhat become an overnight celebrity and is riding the fame wave for all its worth. Here is Cory on the local news being interviewed. Dude is a straight G for this. This is why G's keep their shades on!

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