Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Santo Domingo A Trip Down Memory Lane

While cleaning the crib today I randomly found some old pics from when I went on a journey to my first paradise. They're scanned, so bare with me! It was the summer before 9th grade at Maret high School, what a great year that was to be alive. Anyway, the voyage was to Santo Domingo, home to amazing white sand beaches, delicious meals of food, and some of the most beautiful women on the planet. My trip there was eye opening, I went with a group of students to help build a new church in a small village, and take/distribute school supplies to children at a local orphanage. In order to go on the trip we had to raise money for plane tickets, hotels, and supplies all by ourselves. To do this we asked for donations from businesses and schools in the DC area. The long months of fund-raising definitely paid off once we arrived at the school and saw how happy the children where to have an early X-mas. it's cold as sh*t here in DC...teleport and the tropical adventure begins!

This is Minette. She was my lil buddy for the time I was in Santo Domingo. Each student got partnered up with a small child at this orphanage. She's probably one of the cutest babies on this side of the galaxy. When I walked in she just walked up to me and stretched out her arms like I was her father. So for the next few days while we worked, she was in my arms non stop. Even though she didn't speak much I felt a warming connection to her and the culture. By the time it was time for us to go, she cried, and I couldn't help but imagine what was going through her head. She lost her parents and now she was losing a new father like figure of a friend. So wherever you are these days lil buddy, I hope all is well for you...
Doing all the community service in Santo Domingo was amazing, and a bit emotional as well. But don't get me wrong, it was not all work and no play, you know how EF gets down! When I wasn't doing community service I was either chilling beach side having a drink, or chillen with my Dominican takedownable Karen...who was oh so goodmoney. Now being a master of several languages (spanish, japanese, portuguese, EF-slang) I knew that the DR was the perfect place to really test my Spanish out. So I did, it was actually how I met Karen one day on the beach. Not to mention I am somehow able to pass for Dominican/Brazilian fairly easily. So I'm walking around the hotel beach bar pool area, and see shorty chillin catching some sun on a beach chair. Now keep in mind this trip occurred when I was 15 during a time when jerseys and headbands were poppin. So I thought I was dead fresh in my bullets jersey, NBA headband, ice watch, red Madness shorts and Hi-teck water shoes to match. I thought I was really doin it! And apparently shorty thought the same because when I breezed by her and said "hola, creo que eres muy bonita" she looked me up and down and said "gracias, something in spanish that sounds sexy as hell?" I was kind of momentarily mesmorized by her takedownability and froze up, then she goes "you from the states aren't you" and I'm like "oh sh*t, you speak good ass english" one thing lead to another and we're headed to the bar...
In the DR the drinking age is like 16, but really the bar tenders don't give a sh*t at the hotel. So they practically throw drinks and cocktails at you ALL day. So, the adult chaperones that had to accompany us in the trip new this all too well. Before we even hopped on the plane they made up promise not to "engage in illegal alcohol consumption in any way" and if we did we'd "be removed from the group and sent on the first plane back to DC". Now part of being a business man is knowing what power you have and what cards you hold. I knew that my pops was in charge of this entire damn operation...so I knew off jump that no one could fux with me...period! So that day me and Karen hit the beach bar, I scope the scene to make sure there are no chaperones in sight just to avoid getting pressed. I tell the bar tender "amigo! dos cocktails", and like a hawk swooping on a field mouse chaperone #4386 Carlos Botts caught me!He goes..."you know you aren't allowed to be drinking alcohol, you're a good kid but I have to report this" and being me I go "hey, you really gonna do this in front of the beautiful lady? gimmie a break Carlos" "what are you gonna do tell my dad, its pointless, I told him I was gonna drink down here regardless of your rules". Karen gave me the "sh*t lets just link up later sign and got out of dodge. Carlos looked at me surprised and annoyed, "finish your drink, but I have to report this either way, and yea I know you won't get in trouble so let's just get this over with"
They sat me down and had a huge group meeting with all the chaperones, and made me stand up and apologize in front of the whole group..."im sry guys I should not have been illegally consuming alcohol...but when ya high five ya make money baby!" I kind of deterred from the apology they told me to say and the chaperones were furious...but sh*t what could they do? I met up with Karen later that night and told her I'd write her once I got back to DC. Sorry I havn't kept in touch Karen, wherever you are in this world, there's a spot on the DCBG Takedownables team for you!


  1. this makes me want to vacation...like right now

  2. hahaha super youngboy DCBG, shorty was def. a dime though!

  3. Where is the world is Karen??? We must find her!!! LOL

  4. i fux wit tha vintage pics

  5. OMFG! do your takingdownables always have hair under their arms?


    maybe that's what your into idk ;)

  6. how old were you in this pic, lol

  7. 15, i know, im on my youngboy shit in those pics. its comedy, just shit to look back and laugh at you know?

  8. OMFG! OMFG! renae sounds like one of BG's ex-takedownables! haha dominican girls are sexy as shit, dont hate.

    ps im at the office, sooo high dude. i gotta get outta this fucking office!

  9. Damn, well maybe renae is just jealous she's still not on the takedownable list

  10. haha renae tried to play you...but she really played herself cuz karen is on point
