Sunday, November 2, 2008

Charles Hamilton: EF TV Presents - Gotcha Charles

We caught up with Charles Hamilton recently and he had a few words for us...a little on the importance of voting, and a little on DC hip hop. Pure comedy when we asked him is thoughts on DC hip hop...apparently some people still think Wale is the only one doin it out here in DC! Let's be serious, shout out to Cayan, XO, and The Remedy...look em up people. DC hip hop is gettin deep.

Charles Hamilton: EF-TV Presents: Gotcha Charles!!! from Expressive Frontier on Vimeo.


  1. haha u guys are funny, he had a good message though.

  2. LOL i'm about to email that dude a RACK of DC hip-hop artists' music, including mine and Cayan's.

    Peace & Hip-Hop

  3. lls!
    he'll know me.

  4. he about to blow up, part of the 10 youngguns set to fire next year by xxl
