Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Maret School: Obama's Daughters May Attend

Sooo, it appears Obama's daughters could possibly be attending the same school as DCBG! That would be pretty dope. Maret is an amazing school, the small little community creates an ideal learning environment for kids k-12. You can really be yourself at this school, and all the typical high school things like bullies and jocks definitely don't exist on this campus. Hey, without Maret School DCBG would not have met Kentaro and there would be no Expressive Frontier!!!!

Let's hope that our good EF buddy Wellsley makes some admissions magic happen! Check out the full article after the teleport

The argument for Maret, with 600 students and an annual tuition of about $26,000, may prove strongest of all.

At least four key Obama advisors have ties to Maret—foreign policy adviser Susan Rice, tech adviser Julius Genachowski, transition leader John Podesta, and adviser/superlawyer Greg Craig are either current or former Maret parents. All four are key figures in helping the Obamas set up their new life in Washington.

The Maret campus is also considered ideal since it’s compact and, after unrelated recent renovations, the entire eight-acre campus is fenced and more secure. It also has a strong reputation for diversity and has a partnership with a DC public school, “Horizons,” which runs summer enrichment programs for kids from H.D. Cooke Elementary School and Bancroft Elementary School.

“The school is a warm, diverse, caring environment where everyone is treated the same,” says one Maret parent who begged anonymity. “The kids are fiercely loyal to the school and each other. Students are valued for themselves and not for their parents occupations or bank accounts.”

Maret also has a long history of educating Washington’s elite. Current and former Maret parents include Senator Ted Kennedy (wife Vicki’s two children attended Maret), Martha Raddatz and Jan Crawford Greenburg, both of ABC News, NBC’s John Palmer, Queen Noor, and DC power couple Joanne and Ben Ginsberg. Plus, the head of the school is the sister of Brookings head Strobe Talbott.

If you live near Cathedral Avenue, you might want to prepare to make way for the armored motorcade whisking by mornings and afternoons.

via Associated Press


  1. there isn't a better school in the world

  2. Uhh I went to Maret too. And also agree

  3. Obama got the adjustable New Era ChiSox, and the classic NorthFace fit on...fresh on his chillman.
