Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote Today: Ace Hood: EF TV

Today is the day people, time to finally get out and vote. All the time spent on the Obama Mania campaign comes down to today...make your voice heard people. Time for a change. Here is some footage from early this morning while on tour in Toledo, Ohio. We spent the morning cruising neighborhoods picking up people and taking them to the polls. I also threw in a little clip of the dude Ace Hood backstage...enjoy.

Ace Hood: EF TV Says Vote Today from Expressive Frontier on Vimeo.


  1. I voted two Fridays ago so I'm on my J-O. The rest of the country must do the same. Then we can get back to Voting For PE$0

  2. I voted yeserday, and i would like to commend eflifestyle for taking the time to go on tour and get people to go Vote, im sure some people were blown because you havent had the same quantity of content on the site but you def had just as much quality with the tour exclusives. We all def. Baracked the Vote!
