Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Population Control

Last week we posted a Google video called the Esoteric Agenda. This eye opening film introduces the reality behind the government true intentions. Yea our world may be overcrowded, but their methods of population control are not agreeable. Check out the movie, you'll definitely learn something. Here we found some new legislation being passed to further the population control agenda. A new bill passed a Senate committee in Louisiana today that could give judges the option to snip your manhood for sex offenders. For first time offenders, judges would have the option to chop it off or burn it off in a chemical process called MPA (medroxyprogestrone acetate). For second time offenders, the judge would be required to turn them into a eunuch, as long as a doctor agreed. Just in case you thought this was “the easy way out,” the bill clearly states that the castration would not decrease jail sentences at all. Just an extra little bonus. This is completely OD, while removing someone’s sex organs would definitely deter sex crimes, they aren't giving any room for reform. Better yet what if we find out they were wrongly-convicted years down the line? The twig ‘n berries won’t grow back. This type of punishment hasn’t been legally practiced anywhere since the 19th century—unless you count the Nazis. Population control or...population control, you be the judge.

info via complex

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