Monday, April 21, 2008

Obama's New Arsenal

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. listens as Joseph Boga plays his trumpet, Monday, April 21,2008, at the Gilder Diner in Scranton Pa., a day before Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

"The Obama campaign has largely steered clear of negative advertising over the course of the primary contest. But, as CBS News reported, over the last several days "Obama has begun to fight fire with fire. In ads, campaign mailings and rhetoric, Obama is getting much tougher as this campaign (perhaps) nears some sort of finish line."

"Four new TV ads released since late last week demonstrate the fierce tone that the Obama team has adopted in Pennsylvania, with the Illinois senator hitting Clinton on health care, ties to lobbyists and what he characterizes as her negative tactics."

Obama was singled out in the debate, so here comes the heat. Full article here.

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