Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hillary: A Full Deck Of Race Cards

A disturbing trend has emerged from the long Democratic primary. Whenever Sen. Hillary Clinton is trailing in the polls, a racially divisive issue pops up.

Clinton loses 11 consecutive races, and the photograph of Sen. Barack Obama in Somalian garb shows up. Clinton falls behind in pledged delegates and gets caught in a lie about her Bosnia adventure, and then the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. story reignites.

With polls showing that Obama has begun to narrow the gap in Pennsylvania -- a state Clinton was predicted to win by double digits -- Clinton is stirring up a backlash that her campaign hopes will net her some swing voters. In attacking Obama as "elitist" and "arrogant," Clinton is again appealing to the lower nature of voters.

She has once again proved that she is willing to feed the ignorance of voters. But worst yet, Clinton is now communicating to these voters that she that can put an "uppity" black man in his place.

I think the picture explains it all...

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