Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolution, Health Agenda

Well guys, it's time to start supplementing our bodies with fresh fruits and berries, and whole grain oats. I'm bout to be on a serious no fast food, no standard food agenda. Meaning all organic food consumption, fresh vegetables, no dairy almost vegetarian lifestyle. The reason you may ask, well think of this as a wellness experiment. There may be some issues with what goes into our food these days, so I'm going to spend a year eating "healthy" and note any increases in energy or brainpower. I welcome you to join the EF wellness program. I will be posting the change in food habits as time unfolds. To start this thing off, breakfast will have to become an everyday thing. Most times there is no time in the morning, but it's essential. So peep what I had for breakfast just now after the teleport.

The cereal of tribal warriors, 7 whole grain flakes & granola with black currants & walnuts. Promoting vitality of 5 body systems: heart, immunity, bone, digestion, and mind. Kashi's aim is to make natural food taste great, so besides the unique "green" product packaging, they are merely selling you boxes of nature. I fux with it tho, best cereal I've had in a while!Soy Milk is my new best friend. Try an alternate to pasteurized milk, it's a good look. All in all a healthy breakfast, to jump start the day, and promote vitality. For more on Kashi visit their website here. KASHI: Healthy Living Is Here

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