Thursday, January 15, 2009

David Cerny - New European Union

It was supposed to be the centerpiece marking the momentous occasion – Czech Republic’s succession to the presidency of European Union. However, the mammoth sculpture, titled Entropa, currently on display at the EU Headquarter in Brussels has become something of notoriety. The original conception was to show a Europe united, with the focus on strengths of each member nations. Instead, Entropa showed all of the EU nations discombobulated on a mock-up model toy kit. To add further insults, stereotypical statements were put on each nation’s representations. France had the word “Strike” across it. The Netherlands was under water. A series of highways crisscrossed Germany that at a certain angle looked like a swastika. Romania was reduced to a Dracula theme park. Installation video after the teleport

When the Czech Republic first commissioned the sculpture, it invited Czech artist David Cerny to contribute, with the understanding that 26 other artists, each from their home countries, will participate in its completion. But Cerny, who’s well known for controversial (and humorous) installations, tactfully fabricated 26 fictitious artists. Some even had fake websites and portfolio to authenticate their “works”. Now the question is what to do with the massive 8-ton artwork. Before that, however, Czech officials are issuing apologies to offended EU members. Via: NY Times

via NY Times

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