Thursday, January 29, 2009

Facebook Plans To Grind In 09'

As surprise speaker at DLD09, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg was interviewed by Fortune's David Kirkpatrick who is currently writing a book about "The Facebook Effect". You know he's going to make bread off that. According to Zuckerberg, the number of German users is growing fast. Right now, Facebook has 2 million Users in Germany - last October, the social network had 1.2 million users (meaning a plus of 60% in 3 months). "It is crazy that it took us the first 10 months to have the first million of users but now we add that in one week", Zuckerberg said. Facebook Connect will be a big focus for FB in 2009. I remember when this Facebook craze first started my Freshman year at college. I though the whole idea was huff back then, my eyes weren't open to it's many marketing uses. Full story here

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