Friday, January 23, 2009

James Toback: Mike Tyson Documentary

One of the most interesting boxers is Mike Tyson. His interviews and pre-fight speeches were pure comedy. Director and long time friend James Toback recently showed his documentary on Tyson at the Sundance Festival. The documentary spans from Tysons youth to his unfortunate downfall. The best art of the documentary is that it is narrated completely by Tyson. Teleport for the trailer.


  1. This is way too funny...I think that I watched it about 10 times. Is he high? He has to be 'cause he seemed a little slow. I almost felt a little sorry for him. Did anyone else get that feeling?


  2. that wasn't funny at all. that was just such a candid ass portrayal of mike. i almost got tears in my eyes, real talk.

    and i never say real talk. so the talk is indeed very real.
