Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oscar Grant Murdered At BART Station

On New Years Eve this routine pat down turns fatal when a racist psychopath Police officer detains Oscar Grant while the previous officer then reaches for his gun and shoots Grant in the back, murdering him. When will this bullsh*t end? Seriously, who the f*ck is allowing these type of people to pass through the Police Academy? Oh that's right this is part of a bigger scheme of fear tactics. Scare citizens by allowing officers to murder innocent people, the result is an increased fear of police and "authority" therefore making it easier to control and restrict us. I saw this video clip last night, and had to look away because I was getting too angry.

This is my opinion, I urge you to speak your opinion and visit HERE to make your voice heard. When something like this happens, it's more than just a news headlines or sad story. People open your eyes to what's going on. If you watched the video above, you've just witnessed a police agent murdering a man in cold blood. The bullet went through his back, hit the ground and bounced back up and pierced his lung, killing him. The police then ran around and terrified witnesses by taking away their cell phones and video cameras for 'evidence'. The whole world has seen this by now, so what do you think will happen to the officer? Don’t be afraid to leave comments, I want to hear your opinions on this matter.


  1. first they allow Rodney King to be beat, then Sean Bell, and now this...these racist cops are just waiting to shoot black people because they know they wont be prosecuted. This is an outrage.

  2. This type of shit is completely unacceptable and can't be tolerated. I don't even know how to handle this type of situation besides the obvious riots and such. Its just ridiculous. These muh fucka need to be jailed and tossed into population so they could get they ass beat by other inmates.

  3. Hate has no color.

  4. it's hard not to call this racism, but for the sake of fairness, i won't...but there has always been a rift between young black males and the police. and situations like these are why...the oppressor going out of the way to make examples and contain the oppressed. it's sad when you understand this mentality and can't do anything about it...we need to wake up, people. That video depicts a cold-blooded murder on a defenseless man.

    Peace & Hip-Hop

  5. that cop should get the chair while getting a barbiturate and chemical paralytic injected into his arm;

    we've got to ensure we avoid these situations. i can't tell you how many times i got chased by police hanging out on the streets.

    stay with the college crowd that gets good grades. if you're going to hang out, hang out with a girl at the club, @ the telly. stop sword fighting with the all dick crew.

    the cop is wrong, but we've got to be smarter than them.

  6. just as an addendum, i'm not suggesting this young man was looking for trouble, i know that i have seen situations like this where if the victim would have been @ school, @ home, or in a better area, this wouldn't have happened.

    now i know some will say, some people have no choice. then hit the books get that many and have a choice to get the fuck out the hood if it's that bad.

  7. Was this even a national news story? whats fucked up about so much of this shit is that it never reaches the eyes and ears of most Americans while crimes committed by minorities are broadcast far and wide, perpetuating fear of minorities, racism and covering up the true class problems that this country faces

  8. I just checked out your blog to make sure that y'all are spreading the word on this. It was a CNN headline for about 5 minutes last night, now I can't even find it on the site. Get the word out!

  9. I am outraged that this even went down. More mental slavery, just to instill FEAR. Question is, How do we break this systematic enslavement? We gotta wake up and understand that there is power in numbers, people of color are a growing majority, and it's about time we use this power to change all this bullshit!! Just imagine if all people of color in this country and world came to together to break this injustice, they can't kill all of us if we all together.

    And those two cops need to die for what they did! redic!!

  10. Looks like that officer resigned:

  11. any word on the protests and/or riots with the arrests that followed?
