Monday, January 12, 2009

Gitmo Going Down - Thanks Mr. President

President-elect Barack Obama is to issue an order to close the Guantánamo detention center in his first week in office, according to his advisers. Obama, who takes over the presidency next Tuesday, will make closure one of his first decisions, two of his advisers told the AP news agency. This is a great first move which will show the world that our country has a compassionate leader, who value human rights. teleport for full story

The pledge comes only the day after Obama appeared to row back from campaign promises by saying closure was more complicated than he had realised and it would be a challenge to do so in his first 100 days in office.

Guantánamo has become a touchstone for the new administration. Democrats and liberal lawyers, as well as European governments, have repeatedly called for its closure, seeing it as an affront to human rights. Some of the detainees have been tortured.

There were about 700 detainees after a sweep of countries throughout the world as part of George Bush's "war on terror". While most have been released, more than 200 are still held.

There is no consensus yet on what to do with them. Some will be released, and some could be transferred to other countries, while the remainder could face trial on the US mainland.

Five human rights groups today urged Obama to stop a war crimes trial at Guantanamo of a Canadian, Omar Khadr, now 22, who is accused of killing a US soldier in Afghanistan when he was 15. via Guardian


  1. finally, hopefully he can also get to work getting rid of the cuban embargo

  2. I voted for Barack so I'm sure this is a good decision. And it is a international move so it sends a big message worldwide. This 1 step in his path of taking charge.

    The only thing I would be worried about is the backlash from this decision. I don't know any info about the Guantanamo Bay prision, but there always two sides to a story. Hopefully the other side isn't spinned in a way to negatively affect Barack.

    Barack is the big homey tho, so I'm 100% confident he knows what he is doing.
