Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Artist Kentaro: Lame Guys Suck

I snagged a note from FB, it's none other than The Artist Kentaro. College is over so now all of our female friends are bringing home what they call "potentials". This is how Kentaro vents on the matter...apparently artists can be comedians too.
Dear Girlfriends,

Stop bringing every John, Bob, and Roger you are dating back home to meet 'the boys'.
It is just awkward for us, and him for that matter. No one is really happy about the situation.
To be honest, with all due respect, after the third, or fourth boyfriend you bring back home to meet 'the boys'...

you just look like a slut with a revolving door.

We understand that you like him at that moment in time. That's cool, love is great...but WE don't have to like him, and we probably won't. If, by some outside chance we meet him don't make a big deal out of it for example: "(insert generic white name) is coming! you guys HAVE to meet him!!!". You are simply setting up an adverse situation for all involved parties.

Your logic of: "He is important to me, and you are too, so I want you guys to get along" is fatally flawed. If I were to extend your logic, are you asking me to get on his shoulder to create one colossal-super-boyfriend? Two good things do not necessarily mix. Shaq and Kobe. Sex and Protection. Guns and Alcohol. (Although all those things put together could result in an interesting night)

Finally, after we meet him don't ask: "he's nice right? he's cool?" because all I have to say to that is...

the guy is a F*CKING DOUCHE.

If the situation was reversed, you better be nice or I will drop kick you in your ovaries. Male kinship is different than that of a female's. It is different because it's REAL and LASTING not FAKE and SEASONAL. Yes, this is a double-standard, but you are used to it. What is another unfair social construct to bear?.

I love YOU, not the lame-loser that is currently holding the temporary lease agreement to your vagina.

-The Artist Kentaro

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