Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama: It’s All in the Family

Last night at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama delivered what was hailed by the press as the most important speech of her life. Amid extremely high expectation, most political commentators including CNN conceded she “got the job done.” While her speech was meant to humanize Barack with stories of how they first met, driving home newly born children from the hospital, and a life together in public service, the most important offshoot of last night was that she was able to humanize herself. Glamorous and eloquent, she rocked the Pepsi Center, even if she didn’t manage to knock the socks (or bowties) off the press. Teleport to watch the full speech

Michelle’s speech reminds us that we are in an era of change and that also means that it’s time for a new brand of first lady. We can say goodbye to the casserole pedaling, brownie making first lady and hello community activist, career woman, and mother who can give a killer speech. Criticized for not showing what Barack is like in his daily life, I’d have to ask the press, what did you want her to do? Tell us what he looks like when he’s flossing? Take a bite out of that, Cindy McCain.

- Laura Smith
EF Community

1 comment:

  1. great insight from a young urban professional. Congrats Laura Smith on taking it to the casserole peddlers!
