Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin: McCain Elects Miss Congeniality As VP

John McCain announced today that former beauty queen and Alaskan governor Sarah Palin will be his running mate in his 2008 bid for the presidency. She has thrilled the nation with her sexy ways and now plans to help run our nation...hhmmm Let’s break this down simply for our busy EF lifestyle readers into what this means for the Obama campaign...teleport for a thorough analysis:

This was a strategic move on McCain’s part in terms of transforming his campaign from an old fogy, run-of-the-mill Republican campaign into one that can compete with Obama’s historic run. Although Palin is not the first VP nominee for a major party, she is the first female Republican nominee for VP. She is young, 44, and is not apart of the Washington crony scene. This seems largely a reaction to the Democrats labeling McCain as “more of the same.” Yes, McCain, this certainly is an unusual choice…
class="fullpost">That said, her nomination is in direct rebuttal to one of McCain and the Republican’s largest criticisms of Obama: that he has very little experience. Before being elected to the governorship two years ago, Palin was mayor of Wassilla (population 5,470) and had a failed run for Lieutenant Governor. McCain celebrated his 72 birthday and there is a greater chance that his running mate will be sitting in the oval office someday. McCain may have chosen one of the few people who Obama can criticize for having too little experience.

This will put an end to McCain’s uproar about Obama’s inexperience, but lets be serious,while a beauty queen can't overshadow the excellent speech given by Obama last night, it may sway some angry Hillary voters

-Laura S.
EF Community


  1. I ain't even gon front, I would pipe, haha. Dead ass tho

  2. haha! this nigga peso... id catch tha top tho
