Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Non-Energy Crisis

It appears the rabbit hole gets even deeper. Here at EF we try to give you an alternative view on what's really going on in our country. For as many years as you've been alive, you and the rest of us have been spoon-fed (education/media/news) exactly what THEY want you to believe. Think about it, have you ever challenged what history you've been taught in school, or the news you read in the paper or hear on television stations? We know everybody just wants to live their lives, be happy and act as though everything is goodmoney in our world, but it's not that simple. It's time to stop being complacent in terms of what information you believe and accept, and start learning for yourself! Do some research, again we can only open the door for you, you have to walk through it. Here is the latest information we've seems we have a Non Energy Crisis on our hands. Is it a coincidence that Palin of Alaska is now running for VP? You'll notice how recent events are all tied together. Here is the first clip, the rest after the teleport.


  1. This minister is full of shit. questioning authority is always important but this is ludicrous, i've heard of this guy and his hear-say arguments have no real evidence. oh and by the way, that "deep borehole" in the soviet union was a scientific research project and never produced any oil.

  2. yea as much as I DONT want to believe all this conspiracy shit, he does have a few solid points...there are a lot of conspiracies, but who am I to say they are in fact conspiracies? Oil pretty much is the currency of the world, just look at how much of an issue oil is in politics!

    i just dont want to believe that our world is THIS fuuuucked

  3. that shit about Alaska is crazy, def don't hear about that on Fox News...and the part abt us not being a democracy is dead real...we dont even say the pledge of allegiance anymore! im guessing so people would forget the "unto the REPUBLIC for which it stands one nation"

    i cant front this is some deep shit, hear-say or not

  4. alright so i've been doing some research...the only reason i'd believe this guy is because he supposedly witnessed this goin down first hand! he was their opposed to other people who are getting their information from others...all his references and names match up...i dunno. i believe him
